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Sunday 13 December 2015



I'm currently writing a whole magazine on health and fitness for my final project at college.
So, I thought I'd give you a little taster of my article about The Race For Life:

How did we train?
We all wanted to train together as we were all running for the same cause. We trained twice a week, as a group, and once a week on our own.
In the group sessions, we would stretch thoroughly and then start our session, starting fairly easy at the start of the year. For instance one week we would run for 30 seconds and then walk for 45, repeating the cycle for 30 minutes.
We would run or jog slowly all together, never leaving anyone behind, to help our bodies adjust to the training.
In the training sessions on our own we would work at our own pace trying to improve on our personal fitness.
We would each track our progress by using apps on our phone. The two I would highly recommend are: “Nike Running” and “Run keeper” these can be found on any smartphone.
These apps would tell us how far we have ran and at what pace. This is very handy as if you are going slower than you wish, you can up your speed as it talks to you whilst you’re running!
We did have to buy some running gear. My advice for this would be: don’t go for the expensive stuff if you’re not serious. The branded clothing and workout gear will last you longer and does the job a lot better, but if you think you’re going to quit then don’t commit!
To start with, you will need to buy some leggings/shorts, and a sports bra. These are the basics; you can put an old top or jumper over your bra and go!
Obviously you will need some trainers, make sure that they fit perfectly, to small and you will hurt your toes and feet, too big and you won’t be able to run without tripping over! If you’re not sure, get a shop assistant to help you.
Advice for training:
·        If you haven’t ran before then I suggest that you find a plan online or from a gym, this will give you a starting block. This way, you will be able to start to build up your fitness without hurting yourself.
·        I also advise that you have a running buddy, whether this be a friend, a pet or just your music, it is very helpful to have something there to take your mind off of what you are doing.
·        If you are using music then I suggest that you create a playlist. Because if you’re anything like me then you will be flicking through songs instead of running!
·        Run in the mornings; get an early start, this will almost trick your mind into what your body is doing. In addition to this, you will get the best weather, not too hot neither too cold.

·        The most important tip is to get your breathing down. Make sure you’re not panting throughout; this will mean you can’t run as long. I wouldn’t try to talk or even sing whilst you’re running; this will seriously affect your distance.

Tuesday 1 December 2015


This post does not have a name.
Its just thoughts. 
If I don't voice them, I know for a fact that I will get very poorly, not just in the physical sense.

Its about people, humans, you and me.
I'm not saying I'm 100% an angel, I know that I'm not and I know that I'd done some awful things in just 18 years.
But I know now, that I care for everyone else's feelings, I think before I post something, say something, do something. 

If you know that someone has been through terrifying experiences, personal experiences that have shaped their life, you don't bring it up.
You have to nurture that being until their happy, until they are almost sane again.

If a puppy was abused, it would be sent to the most loving home that anyone could give.
So why should it be different for us?

Why don't you think before you speak, I know I'm not perfect, and I know that I am still not 100% yet.
However, I do know that in the past two years I have excelled in everything that I have done:
I've had three successful jobs and I'm now a part time junior reporter.
I've moved college and I'm achieving distinction stars.
I've changed my eating and exercise habits so that I'm not in danger anymore.

I know that the world can be a terrible place some of the time, but I also know that we, ourselves can make it a better and more bearable experience for some people.
Why don't you post something nice, instead of an indirect comment about someone, even though you know it will hurt them.
Why don't you put your phone down instead of texting someone something you know will make them rethink their life.

Why would you want to make someone else's life a misery?If you don't like them, leave them be!

Anyway, on a lighter note:
I'm running 5KM tomorrow with a water infection so that should be much fun. Wish me luck, I will be writing an article following that too.

Sunday 22 November 2015


So Many Questions

There are so many things going around in my head that I don't even know where to start.
Like it says in my bio, this is a place for me to vent, so excuse this rant.

I'm so anxious, I don't know why or what about?
What if someone leaves me, or does something to upset me? 
Then I will have no-body?

I have no-one to talk to about this, about how I feel and what I should do? There is nothing I can do about it, it's all in my head, so what is wrong with me?
I don't even know.
But when is it going to be my time, when is something good going to happen for me, when is somebody going to make me happy?

I'm the kind of person who has to open for the door for myself, and then hold it open whilst everyone goes through and gets ahead of me.

So when is my time going to be, that time when someone finally says: "This is for you." 

I've worked my butt off for the past two years and (sorry to sound like Lady C) but where the fuck is my reward?

Tuesday 27 October 2015


Back on Track

Yes, I finally went for a run yesterday!

Only 4.5KM, but its a start.

I am feeling motivated, although I have ANOTHER cold (The third this month.).

Eating healthy didn't start until today:
I had Granola for breakfast, various fruit juices, and chicken wraps for dinner.
Sounds like a start to me!
Eating three meals a day is very daunting for someone like me, I do have days where I like to pig out, just like everyone else, but afterwards I would feel so guilty.
So, finding the right amount of food to eat a day is a task in itself.

Today was almost perfect, however, I feel very bloated and full for some reason.
Tomorrow is another running day, hopefully I can go further.

On Thursday I will be applying for some fun runs, this is to write about in my FMP.
I'm thinking of doing a santa one too, which sounds even more interesting because I get to dress up!

Anyway I am knackered from running yesterday hah.
So wish me luck for tomorrow and I will be going further and further as the first stepping stones are passed!

Sunday 25 October 2015



Be More Zen

According to my friend this is the way to be?

Okay so after many google searches whilst I was supposed to working, I have come to the conclusion that this could be a way to focus on fitness!

Of course, there are some rules:
Stop comparing yourself, your situation, your achievements to others. This is the best way to concentrate on yourself, and go at your own pace.

Stop judging others, whether its their actions or even the way they look.

Stop worrying (This is essential for myself). Overthinking is what my brain likes to do, which sends me into overdrive and that's when the anxiety really kicks in. 
There is absolutely no purpose of worry so: Breathe, Count to ten and carry on.

Stop blaming other people, playing the victim is often easier than taking responsibility. 
Look at the root of the cause, why are you feeling like you are?
Get to the bottom of things in your own head before you come to conclusions.

Stop competing. Obviously sport is competitive, however, if you've just got a personal best then be proud, don't get upset that it isn't as good as your neighbor.

And finally, have a laugh with it all! 

Life is fun so lets make it.

Tomorrow is my first run ah.
It's fair to say I am nervous and I may not go far but it's a start!
Wish me luck.

Saturday 24 October 2015

13. Sorry if its too late

If anyone would like to know, the race for life went really well. 
My Mum, Sister and I raised over £300.

I am very proud of everyone that completed it, whether walked, jogged or ran it is an accomplishment.

I have stopped running for the fact that I have been very ill.

My medication has been doubled, which makes me feel even worse.

But for my FMP at North Warwickshire and Hinckley College I am creating a fitness magazine.

Therefore, I will be getting back into running.

My next run will be on Monday, and I will take my new pup!

I'm so excited, I will be tracking my process on here. Including everyone's thoughts on fitness and exercise.

I'm looking forward to combining my two favourite things.

Journalism and Fitness.

Thursday 23 April 2015

My Complete Idol


Happy Days

So proud of myself.
When I applied for the race for life my aim was to complete the race in 25 minutes.
Today, I ran 5.5KM in 31 minutes, which is about 3/4 minutes off my target. I am so happy.
A break from running and from positivity did make me stronger. Additionally I had a rest day yesterday, so no exercise apart from walking around college from 8-5. 
I can't express how happy I am for myself.
Apart from doubts in my mind which I think will never go away, I actually think I will be able to complete this, with all my friends and family around me I am happier than ever.
My aim now is to stop burdening myself with everyone else's problems, I need to relax and be a little selfish now.

Wednesday 22 April 2015


Only Upward Spirals

After having a long week of downward spirals, it was my worst yet, I would like to say that I am now feeling positive again, but that's not entirely true.

I was at my lowest last week, being alone in the house, having nothing to do, just made me over think everything.
Why am I here?
Last week I made some terrible choices, and I hope I never get that low again, that I have to repeat that.
I have been running and eating as usual but just couldn't bring myself to share my experiences with the whole world just yet.
I am getting better, but I would say that I am 100% right now.
I will be blogging regularly again.
Hopefully this downward spiral will just make me stronger.

Thursday 9 April 2015



Getting my time down today has given me an amazing push. I ran alot further 6.15KM and I still managed to get my time down, as I ran it in 38:10 Minutes which I am very proud of.
Yes, my boyfriend did let me down and said that he didn't want to run with me today and so I went on my own as usual.
Unusually warm today I went out in shorts which was a massive step for me, yes I might go clubbing in town in a little mini dress, but there I don't stand out. But running in shorts, everyone stares at my legs while I run, feeling self conscious I went anyway.
While people stared at first I thought: "Why did I do this to myself, why did I put myself out there, with flabby legs and scattering hair?"
But then I thought: "I have to do this sometime, and its a good way to get my confidence up. 

I'm feeling a lot better in myself today and therefore have eaten more than yesterday, but still being healthy. 
But if I burnt 400 calories running, surly I can treat myself later? 

Wednesday 8 April 2015

My Gym



After a very boring five hour shift this morning, I decided to cheer myself up by going on a run in the summer sun!
I ran 4.83KM, on my usual route I did it in 30:40 Minutes which is reasonably good since I didn't stop once on the way around, however, it was no personal best for me. I NEED TO IMPROVE, and fast!
Running 6:18 Minutes per KM isn't bad but I would like it to be better.
Tomorrow I will be running with my boyfriend, now, he has never ran before and therefore it won't be a personal best either.
On Friday it will be a rest day and therefore I wont be doing anything, which I am glad about.
On Saturday I will be running with my mum again and it still won't be a personal best.
On Monday, it will be the start of my new running plan. Not long distance but short - Under 5KM, but with a shorter time per KM. 

Running today made me feel amazing, free and almost liberated and therefore I feel very refreshed and positive about myself.
However eating only, cheerios at 6.30AM this morning, a breakfast bar at 2.00PM and two ryvita's at around 4.00PM I know that this is not enough but I am afraid to eat anymore for feeling bloated and fat.
My mind will never be the same after being diagnosed with anorexia however hopefully I will get better, and hopefully soon, because I am feeling the same as before.
Hopefully I don't go back down that road.


Tuesday 7 April 2015


Leader of the pack

Going running with the whole 'crew' doing the race for life: Mum, Kirstin (My sister) and Suzanne, I was the designated leader and therefore I had to run back and forward giving everyone pointers and telling them what they were doing wrong.
Although we only ran 4.5k it was a whole new workout in itself.
Half way through Kirstin got cramps in her calves, this is when we realized that she runs like Phoebe (If anyone has seen this episode of friends it was hilarious), or like a puppet. 
In addition to this, my mums knee restraint stopped her circulation. So, I was the one who had to run home with it in my hand just waving about.
However Suzanne who is the oldest of all of us, surprised me, she has a lot of stamina and rarely had to stop. 
I have belief in all of us, however this could be a long journey to help them all run 5k without stopping.

Food-wise, after giving up crisps for lent, I have had a MASSIVE blow-out. Bank holiday monday I ate at least four packets of crisps. So today I was on a low again and therefore my diet has started again. I have positive thoughts and hopefully I can do this now. 

Monday 6 April 2015

This is very helpful, I recommend to anyone.


Lets get serious

No one is a fitness freak, no. 
Someone may make it a habit to run, to stay healthy or lean, but nobody is that obsessed about something.
After this side of the week, not eating well, I feel bad about myself and yes, this makes me want to run, as far and as long as I can. 
So that's what I'll probably do, tomorrow when I'm back on it I will get lost in my exercise and fitness because of how I feel, because that's how my mind works.

I went into Leicester town last night, yes I was drinking and yes, I do know how many calories are in alcohol, but sometimes, you need to let your hair down! However, after the state that my friends were in, I have no intention of going again soon. 

So it's time to start my serious training for the Race For Life. 
Running 4 times a week, and lean meat and vegetables only, this time I will stick to it, no one will stop me this time!

I'm so excited to start training,

Wednesday 1 April 2015


Couch Potato

Exercising is all well and good, but when you train, you ache, and therefore you need a rest day.
So mine was today.
Joined by my very good friend Turaya Jones, we sat all day, under a blanket and watched awful daytime TV.
Drinking green tea (Obviously) and Camille (which is my new favourite) we put our aching legs up for the day and laughed at Vines, scrolled through Facebook and Tweeted to our hearts content.

In my opinion it is VERY important to have a rest day, not only your mind needs to rest but your muscles too. Your muscles need time to repair and in the process they will get stronger and as a result you'll be able to go even further.
Tomorrow, while I'm running, I will be judging whether this is actually the truth and I will write it in my next blog. 
In addition to an exercise rest, I've had a diet rest. 
Whilst drinking buckets of tea, we ate sushi and Thorntons chocolate whilst lounging on the sofa.
Today was a good day, but I'm hoping training tomorrow will be even better!
Bring on tomorrow!

Tuesday 31 March 2015

Favourite Workout Song



While the wind was blowing 31MPH this morning I still ran.
Although I was being blown around the little streets of Enderby,feeling that I was indoor sky diving, it still felt amazing to run. 
3.77km in 20 minutes, I didn't think that was too bad. 

Yesterday wasn't a good day for me, after an unsuccessful doctors appointment I went downhill in myself. Whilst being swallowed up in my own emotions I didn't want to be around anyone and therefore I distanced myself from my family and stayed in my room all night.
Feeling slightly better today after some retail therapy though!
£50 isn't bad for 4 items I guess.

I'm bored of doing the same thing day in, day out. I run, I blog, I sit. 
I want to try new things, I want to freshen up my life, yeah, going up into town at night is all well and good but what should I do in the daytime?
Any Suggestions?

Monday 30 March 2015

Be Positive


10 000 steps

After a doctors appointment, which I had to run for because my mum got the time wrong, I went on a very long run.
I felt better than I ever have before, after not being even slightly out of breath at 5km I decided to carry on further than I have before. 
I ran 7.25km in 40 minutes which is really good as I did not stop, it doesn't matter what you look like or what you do you just have to do it!

Within the first five minutes of running I came across a group of young lads who were in full tracksuits just walking down the road. As I ran past them, they comically mimicked how I was running. But this did not make me upset or stop me from running. It made me want to do it faster and harder.
Its for the people like this that I want a good body, I want them to see me in 6 months and say "WOW!". I want all the people that have ever said a bad word about me to take it back.

After an unsatisfying doctors appointment, I will make it my aim to better myself in every way. I want to eat clean 24/7 and exercise even more.
I've eaten a bowl of cheerio's (such a child) and had around 4 Green teas (I am obsessed as they allow your stomach to bloat less.) and 9172 steps completed. 
Feeling positive and 828 steps to go!


Work 29/03/2015
I'm sat here eating a beautiful cheese scone from the Co-Op. 
No, I'm not doing any running today, we can call this a rest day, but running around after needy customers is enough! 

Saturday 28 March 2015


Saturday Drizzle

Although I did go to Frankie and Benny's for a full English breakfast (Which I fully deserved.) I did go on a run. 
I am running the race for life with my mum and sister for my Grandma, who unfortunately I never got to meet and I regret that.
However, we are doing something for her now.
So I'm having to train my mum and although she is slimmer than usual she has no fitness at all. We ran 4km all together in 28 minutes which is not bad for her fitness level.
But whilst I was running with her and was thinking: "What have I let myself in for?" I then thought:

"It doesn't matter how fast you go it matters that you GO!"

I do love my mum and I know for a fact that she can do this race for life. 
Now I just have to live with the regret of having a full English breakfast while I'm at work. 
So lets GO!

Friday 27 March 2015


Everyone has body issues.

Well, I may just be talking to myself here but I want to share my thoughts and feelings while trying to get lean and fit to run the race for life. If all goes well here then I will be running marathons for all sorts of charities. But, lets just take it one step at a time.

I have suffered with Anorexia, Bulimia, and Depression. I think this is due to the fact that every day I see girls the same age as me, skinny, fit and happy with their body. 
Don't get me wrong I know a lot of women do not like their bodies or the way they see themselves when they look in the mirror, and therefore I want to change that.

I will train everyday and report back to say how it went, and if there was any progress.
This is not a blog for an audience, this blog is to help me get through my own body issues, and if it helps others along the way then that's great!
So, here's to getting started.