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Tuesday 7 April 2015


Leader of the pack

Going running with the whole 'crew' doing the race for life: Mum, Kirstin (My sister) and Suzanne, I was the designated leader and therefore I had to run back and forward giving everyone pointers and telling them what they were doing wrong.
Although we only ran 4.5k it was a whole new workout in itself.
Half way through Kirstin got cramps in her calves, this is when we realized that she runs like Phoebe (If anyone has seen this episode of friends it was hilarious), or like a puppet. 
In addition to this, my mums knee restraint stopped her circulation. So, I was the one who had to run home with it in my hand just waving about.
However Suzanne who is the oldest of all of us, surprised me, she has a lot of stamina and rarely had to stop. 
I have belief in all of us, however this could be a long journey to help them all run 5k without stopping.

Food-wise, after giving up crisps for lent, I have had a MASSIVE blow-out. Bank holiday monday I ate at least four packets of crisps. So today I was on a low again and therefore my diet has started again. I have positive thoughts and hopefully I can do this now. 

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