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Monday 30 March 2015


10 000 steps

After a doctors appointment, which I had to run for because my mum got the time wrong, I went on a very long run.
I felt better than I ever have before, after not being even slightly out of breath at 5km I decided to carry on further than I have before. 
I ran 7.25km in 40 minutes which is really good as I did not stop, it doesn't matter what you look like or what you do you just have to do it!

Within the first five minutes of running I came across a group of young lads who were in full tracksuits just walking down the road. As I ran past them, they comically mimicked how I was running. But this did not make me upset or stop me from running. It made me want to do it faster and harder.
Its for the people like this that I want a good body, I want them to see me in 6 months and say "WOW!". I want all the people that have ever said a bad word about me to take it back.

After an unsatisfying doctors appointment, I will make it my aim to better myself in every way. I want to eat clean 24/7 and exercise even more.
I've eaten a bowl of cheerio's (such a child) and had around 4 Green teas (I am obsessed as they allow your stomach to bloat less.) and 9172 steps completed. 
Feeling positive and 828 steps to go!

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