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Sunday 25 October 2015


Be More Zen

According to my friend this is the way to be?

Okay so after many google searches whilst I was supposed to working, I have come to the conclusion that this could be a way to focus on fitness!

Of course, there are some rules:
Stop comparing yourself, your situation, your achievements to others. This is the best way to concentrate on yourself, and go at your own pace.

Stop judging others, whether its their actions or even the way they look.

Stop worrying (This is essential for myself). Overthinking is what my brain likes to do, which sends me into overdrive and that's when the anxiety really kicks in. 
There is absolutely no purpose of worry so: Breathe, Count to ten and carry on.

Stop blaming other people, playing the victim is often easier than taking responsibility. 
Look at the root of the cause, why are you feeling like you are?
Get to the bottom of things in your own head before you come to conclusions.

Stop competing. Obviously sport is competitive, however, if you've just got a personal best then be proud, don't get upset that it isn't as good as your neighbor.

And finally, have a laugh with it all! 

Life is fun so lets make it.

Tomorrow is my first run ah.
It's fair to say I am nervous and I may not go far but it's a start!
Wish me luck.

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