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Tuesday 31 March 2015

Favourite Workout Song



While the wind was blowing 31MPH this morning I still ran.
Although I was being blown around the little streets of Enderby,feeling that I was indoor sky diving, it still felt amazing to run. 
3.77km in 20 minutes, I didn't think that was too bad. 

Yesterday wasn't a good day for me, after an unsuccessful doctors appointment I went downhill in myself. Whilst being swallowed up in my own emotions I didn't want to be around anyone and therefore I distanced myself from my family and stayed in my room all night.
Feeling slightly better today after some retail therapy though!
£50 isn't bad for 4 items I guess.

I'm bored of doing the same thing day in, day out. I run, I blog, I sit. 
I want to try new things, I want to freshen up my life, yeah, going up into town at night is all well and good but what should I do in the daytime?
Any Suggestions?

Monday 30 March 2015

Be Positive


10 000 steps

After a doctors appointment, which I had to run for because my mum got the time wrong, I went on a very long run.
I felt better than I ever have before, after not being even slightly out of breath at 5km I decided to carry on further than I have before. 
I ran 7.25km in 40 minutes which is really good as I did not stop, it doesn't matter what you look like or what you do you just have to do it!

Within the first five minutes of running I came across a group of young lads who were in full tracksuits just walking down the road. As I ran past them, they comically mimicked how I was running. But this did not make me upset or stop me from running. It made me want to do it faster and harder.
Its for the people like this that I want a good body, I want them to see me in 6 months and say "WOW!". I want all the people that have ever said a bad word about me to take it back.

After an unsatisfying doctors appointment, I will make it my aim to better myself in every way. I want to eat clean 24/7 and exercise even more.
I've eaten a bowl of cheerio's (such a child) and had around 4 Green teas (I am obsessed as they allow your stomach to bloat less.) and 9172 steps completed. 
Feeling positive and 828 steps to go!


Work 29/03/2015
I'm sat here eating a beautiful cheese scone from the Co-Op. 
No, I'm not doing any running today, we can call this a rest day, but running around after needy customers is enough! 

Saturday 28 March 2015


Saturday Drizzle

Although I did go to Frankie and Benny's for a full English breakfast (Which I fully deserved.) I did go on a run. 
I am running the race for life with my mum and sister for my Grandma, who unfortunately I never got to meet and I regret that.
However, we are doing something for her now.
So I'm having to train my mum and although she is slimmer than usual she has no fitness at all. We ran 4km all together in 28 minutes which is not bad for her fitness level.
But whilst I was running with her and was thinking: "What have I let myself in for?" I then thought:

"It doesn't matter how fast you go it matters that you GO!"

I do love my mum and I know for a fact that she can do this race for life. 
Now I just have to live with the regret of having a full English breakfast while I'm at work. 
So lets GO!

Friday 27 March 2015


Everyone has body issues.

Well, I may just be talking to myself here but I want to share my thoughts and feelings while trying to get lean and fit to run the race for life. If all goes well here then I will be running marathons for all sorts of charities. But, lets just take it one step at a time.

I have suffered with Anorexia, Bulimia, and Depression. I think this is due to the fact that every day I see girls the same age as me, skinny, fit and happy with their body. 
Don't get me wrong I know a lot of women do not like their bodies or the way they see themselves when they look in the mirror, and therefore I want to change that.

I will train everyday and report back to say how it went, and if there was any progress.
This is not a blog for an audience, this blog is to help me get through my own body issues, and if it helps others along the way then that's great!
So, here's to getting started.